Info about Megabucks can be found on this page. For a better understanding of the Megabucks, read this question and answer forum. Hot Numbers to Play for the Oregon Megabucks 6/48. The lottery numbers to play this week in your lotto with the LotWin Lottery Software program.
Domain Summary
Global Traffic Rank | 1,132,609 ▴425,003 |
Estimated Visitors | 780 / Day |
Estimated Page Impressions | 2,000 / Day |
Domain Creation Date | |
Domain Age | |
IP Addresses | none |
Web Server Location | none |
Out of all the online lottery websites, The Lotter is one of the few with crazy success stories. A list of The Lotter's millionaires. In addition to the $1 million Powerball winner, the Market Basket in Rochester sold a $30,000 winning Tri-State Megabucks ticket for last night’s. And the winner of our Last days of Summer competition is. Read more on our online Blog. Sitting Pretty, Ethical Fashion made in Cape Town.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When was registered? was registered 5245 days ago on Saturday, October 28, 2006. |
When will expire?This domain will expire in 963 days on Saturday, October 28, 2023. |
When was the WHOIS for last updated?The WHOIS entry was last updated 864 days ago on Friday, October 26, 2018. |
What are's nameservers?DNS for is provided by the nameservers and |
Who is the registrar for the domain?The domain has been registered at Wild West Domains, LLC. You can visit the registrar's website at The registrar's WHOIS server can be reached at |
What is the traffic rank for |
How many people visit each day? receives approximately 780 visitors and 2,000 page impressions per day. |
What webserver software does use? is powered by 'Microsoft-IIS/6.0' webserver. |
Domain WHOIS Record
Domain Name | |
Domain Extension | com |
Top-Level Domain (TLD) | .com |
TLD Type | Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) |
Registrar | Wild West Domains, LLC |
Registrar WHOIS Server | |
Registrar URL | |
Domain Updated Date | |
Domain Creation Date | |
Domain Expiry Date | |
Domain Status |
Nameservers |
DNSSEC | unsigned |
.com Sponsoring Organisation | VeriSign Global Registry Services |
.com WHOIS Server | |
.com Registry URL |
Website and Web Server Information
Website Abstract | pXW |
Website Title | Áp¦X¥¼¤W¥«ªÑ²¼¤½¶}¸ê°TÆ[´ú¯¸,¥¼¤W¥«ªÑ²¼¦æ±¡ªÑ»ù,¥¼¤W¥«ÂdªÑ²¼¸ê°T |
Website Description | §ÚÌ´£¨Ñ²Ä¤@¤â¥¼¤W¥«ªÑ²¼¸ê°T¡A¥¼¤W¥«¤½¥q³Ì·s·s»D¡B°]°È³øªí»P¥¼¤W¥«ªÑ²¼¦æ±¡¡C |
Website Keywords | ¥¼¤W¥«·NÄ@³æ, ¥¼¤W¥«ªÑ»ù, ¿³Âd¶R½æ¤¤¤ß, ¥¼¤W¥«ªÑ²¼, ¿³Âd³ø»ù |
Website Host | |
Server Software | Microsoft-IIS/6.0 |
Number of Sites Linking In | 8 |
DNS Resource Records

Name | Type | Data |
@ | SOA | 2017081305 28800 7200 604800 600 |
@ | NS | |
@ | NS | |
Traffic Summary
Global Traffic Rank | Estimated Monthly Visitors | Estimated Monthly Pageviews |
1,132,609 | 23,800 | 61,900 |
Websites with Similar Names | | | | | | | | | |
See also: Domain List - Page 918,398
4/14/97 - If you were in town over this past weekend trying to win the latest record Megabucks Jackpot, rest assured, someone has! Somewhat after most weekend tourists had headed home discouraged, Suzanne Henley, a 46 year old local woman hit the 45th Megabucks jackpot for a total of $12,510,549.90 not counting a $2,606.98 'secondary' jackpot which she won at the same time. At least it was not the usual '$5, played while they were waiting' affair we've seen in the past. Ms. Henley had played over $100 on the machine before it hit at 1:45 am Monday morning at the New York New York Hotel and Casino. This win comes after another woman reportedly hit the winning Megabucks combination on a machine last week at The Orleans when the accumulating jackpot was around $11 million, but with only a single coin (instead of the three required for 'the big one') thus winning only a much smaller jackpot.
1/28/96 Just after setting a new record back in mid-October, Megabucks, the state-wide, progressive, slot, jackpot which had not been hit since being reset to $5 million after the last winner, gave up another record jackpot of $11,968,359.20. According to International Gaming Technology who runs the game, the jackpot was 'statistically overdue'!
Mr. & Mrs. John Tippin (ages 50 and 49) of Honolulu, Hawaii, hit the record jackpot around 3:30pm Saturday afternoon, January 27, 1996, at the Las Vegas Hilton. John hit the jackpot after plunking only $9 into the machine and was ready to leave the machine when he lined up the required four Megabucks symbols on the bottom line. Reportedly the previous player had just lost around $200 in the machine before walking away.
The previous record of $10,918,881 was set on the night of October 18, 1995 at the Gold Coast Casino in Las Vegas. The last jackpot prior to that was won at the Gold Coast as well. The last winner was a 29 year old University of Nevada - Las Vegas college student whose name was never released. Unlike other casino progressives, the Megabucks jackpot is paid in equal annual installments over a period of 25 years.
Mr Tippin, a labor relations specialist for the U.S. Postal Service in Honolulu, received the first of 25 annual payments from IGT in the amount of $479,000. He's not sure yet whether he'll be retiring.

Created by PCAP; © Copyright 1996
Last Megabucks Winner Las Vegas
Last Updated: January 28, 1996